Leaf icon | Medicinal Cannabis Consultants Australia | Balnce

Broaden your prescribing capabilities

Leaf vector icon | Medicinal Cannabis Consultants Australia | Balnce

Empower your patients with choice and control

Are you a doctor interested in the benefits of natural medicine?

Join the Balnce virtual consulting team

From initial training to your prescriber authorisation, we’ll provide you with access to the most up-to-date knowledge and tools to thrive in your prescribing journey.

Professional adult guy smiling |Cannabis Doctors Australia | Balnce

A team of like-minded experts

And with a fast-growing network of medical professionals, you’ll be joining a collaborative group of thought-leaders – all looking to share and grow their knowledge.

Professional adult guy smiling |Cannabis Doctors Australia | Balnce

Why consult with Balnce

Consult on your own terms icon | Cannabis Doctors Australia | Balnce

Consult on your
own terms

Expand your client base icon | Cannabis Doctors Australia | Balnce

Expand your
client base

Receive Admin and Marketing Support icon | Cannabis Doctors Australia | Balnce

Receive admin and
marketing support

Clock and Calendar icon | Cannabis Doctors Australia | Balnce

Enjoy flexible
work hours

Want to be involved?

Contact Balnce to learn more